Fe-rich Dunite Xenoliths from South African Kimberlites: Cumulates from Karoo Flood Basalts |
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Authors: | Rehfeldt, Tatjana Jacob, Dorrit E. Carlson, Richard W. Foley, Stephen F. |
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Affiliation: | 1Mainz University, Department of Geosciences, Becherweg 21, D-55099 Mainz, Germany 2Carnegie Institution of Washington, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, 5241 Broad branch road, NW, Washington, DC 20015, USA |
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Abstract: | Fe-rich dunite xenoliths within the Kimberley kimberlites compriseolivine neoblasts with minor elongated, parallel-oriented ilmenite,and rarely olivine porphyroclasts and spinel. Compared withtypical mantle peridotites, olivines in the Fe-rich duniteshave lower forsterite (Fo8789) and NiO contents (13002800ppm), which precludes a restitic origin for the dunites. Chrome-richspinels are remnants of a metasomatic reaction that producedilmenite and phlogopite. Trace element compositions differ betweenporphyroclastic and neoblastic olivine, the latter having higherTi, V, Cr and Ni and lower Zn, Zr and Nb contents, documentingtheir different origins. The dunites have high 187Os/ 188Osratios (0·110·15) that result in youngmodel ages for most samples, whereas three samples show isotopicmixtures between Phanerozoic neoblasts and ancient porphyroclasticmaterial. Most Fe-rich dunite xenoliths are interpreted to berecrystallized cumulates related to fractional crystallizationof Jurassic Karoo flood basalt magmatism, whereas the porphyroclastsare interpreted to be remnants from a much earlier (probablyArchaean Ventersdorp) magmatic episode. The calculated parentalmagma for the most primitive olivine neoblasts in the Fe-richdunites is similar to low-Ti Karoo basalts. Modelling the crystalfractionation of the inferred parental magma with pMELTS yieldselement fractionation trends that mirror the element variationof primitive low-Ti Karoo basalts. KEY WORDS: dunite xenoliths; fractional crystallization; Karoo; large igneous province; pMELTS; ReOs; trace elements |
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Keywords: | : dunite xenoliths fractional crystallization Karoo large igneous province pMELTS Re Os trace elements |
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