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A closer look at the X-ray transient XTE J1908+094: identification of two new near-infrared candidate counterparts
Authors:S. Chaty  R. P. Mignani   G. L. Israel
Affiliation:AIM, Astrophysique Interactions Multi-échelles (UnitéMixte de Recherche 7158 CEA/CNRS/UniversitéParis 7 Denis Diderot), CEA Saclay, DSM/DAPNIA/Service d'Astrophysique, Bât. 709, L'Orme des Merisiers, FR-91 191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France;ESO, Karl Schwarzschild Street 2, D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany;INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Via Frascati 33, I-00040, Monteporzio Catone, Italy
Abstract:We have reported, in our previous paper, on the near-infrared (NIR) identification of a possible counterpart to the black hole candidate XTE J1908+094 obtained with the European Southern Observatory/New Technology Telescope. Here, we present new, follow-up, Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope adaptive optics observations of the XTE J1908+094 field, which resolved the previously proposed counterpart in two objects separated by about 0.8 arcsec. Assuming that both objects are potential candidate counterparts, we derive that the binary system is a low-mass system with a companion star which could be either an intermediate/late type (A–K) main-sequence star at a distance of 3–10 kpc or a late-type (>K) main-sequence star at a distance of 1–3 kpc. However, we show that the brighter of the two objects ( J ∼ 20.1,  H ∼ 18.7,  K '∼ 17.8) is more likely to be the real counterpart of the X-ray source. Its position is more compatible with our astrometric solution, and colours and magnitudes of the other object are not consistent with the lower limit of 3 kpc derived independently from the peak bolometric flux of XTE J1908+094. Further multiwavelength observations of both candidate counterparts are crucial in order to solve the pending identification.
Keywords:infrared: stars    X-rays: binaries    X-rays: individual: XTE J1908+094
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