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The lateritic iron ores,itabiritic quartzites and epidiorites of the Kemmangundi area,Bababudan hills,Mysore state,India
Authors:J. S. R. Krishna Rao  D. S. N. Murthy
Affiliation:(1) Waltair, India
Epidiorites forming the basement and occurring also as bands in ferruginous quartzites in Kemmangundi in the Bababudan Hills of Mysore State are described in regard to their structure, mineralogy, petrography, and the petrochemistry of the epidiorites and their role in the formation of the two types of iron ores in the area. The ferruginous quartzites, itabiritic iron ores, and epidiorites strike NW-SE and were simultaneously structurally deformed. They may be considered as eugeosynclinal formations. The data collected do not suggest any genetic relation between the itabiritic ores and the epidiorites. The lateritic iron ores on the other hand, were formed by the alteration of the ferruginous quartzites (itabiritic ores).
Zusammenfassung Itabiritische Quarzite und Epidiorite aus Kemmangundi in den Bababudan-Hügeln des Staates Mysore wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Struktur, ihres Mineralbestandes und ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung untersucht. Insbesondere wird der Zusammenhang mit den beiden Typen von Eisenlagerstätten in der Gegend beleuchtet: Die itabiritischen Quarzite haben sich nicht aus den Epidioriten gebildet; dagegen sind die lateritischen Eisenerze als Verwitterungsprodukte der Eisenquarzite zu betrachten.
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