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Rare-earth abundances in chondritic meteorites
Authors:N.M. Evensen,P.J. Hamilton,R.K. O&#x  Nions
Affiliation:Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, NY 10964, U.S.A.
Abstract:Fifteen chondrites, including eight carbonaceous chondrites, have been analyzed for rare earth element (REE) abundances by isotope dilution. These analyses complement and extend earlier isotope dilution REE determinations in chondrites, performed in other laboratories, so that coverage of major chondrite classes is now complete. An examination of this body of precise and comparable REE data from individual chondrites reveals that only a small proportion of the analyses have flat, unfractionated REE patterns within experimental error. A statistical procedure is used to derive revised chondritic abundances of REE by selection of unfractionated patterns. A number of the remaining analyses show Eu anomalies and fractionated patterns consistent with magmatic fractionation as encountered in the products of planetary differentiation. However, many patterns exhibit features not readily explicable by known magmatic processes; in particular, positive Ce anomalies are often encountered. Abundance anomalies can be quantitatively determined by the use of a least-squares curve fitting procedure. The wide variety of anomalous patterns and the uncertainties in model parameters preclude detailed modeling of the origin of anomalies, but it is probable that at least some arise from fractional condensation in the solar nebula, as has been demonstrated for Allende inclusions. Elemental abundance anomalies are found in all major chondrite classes. If these anomalies are ignored, the range and nature of variation within chondrite classes are consistent with a parent body model, in which solid-liquid or solid-solid equilibria induce variations from an unfractionated bulk composition. Absolute abundances in the H, L and LL parent bodies are almost twice those of the E parent body.The persistence of anomalies in chondritic materials relatively removed from direct condensational processes implies that anomalous components are resistant to equilibration or were introduced at a late stage of chondrite formation. Large scale segregation of gas and condensate is also implied, and raises the possibility of bulk variations in REE abundances between planetary bodies.
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