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The Ethiopian subcontinental mantle domains: geochemical evidence from Cenozoic mafic lavas
Authors:S. Tommasini  P. Manetti  F. Innocenti  T. Abebe  M. Sintoni  S. Conticelli
Affiliation:(1) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Firenze, Italy;(2) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Pisa, Pisa, Italy;(3) Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse CNR, Pisa, Italy
Abstract:Summary Since the Cenozoic, Ethiopia was affected by a widespread volcanic activity related to the geodynamic evolution of the Afar triple junction. The plateau building phase was followed by the formation of the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) accompanied by a bimodal volcanic activity in both the inner parts of the rift and its shoulders. Outside the rift, a concurrent volcanic activity occurred mainly along transversal tectonic lineaments, the most important of which is the Yerer-Tullu Wellel Volcano-Tectonic Lineament (YTVL) developing for ∼500 km westward of Addis Abeba. Scattered Pliocene – Quaternary volcanoes are reported also inside the plateau such as those out cropping nearby Lake Tana. Here we present the result of a study on carefully screened mafic lavas outcropping in two sectors located off-axis the MER, namely, the YTVL and the southern part of Lake Tana; and in one sector located in the southern tip of the MER close to Megado, in the Sidamo region. The screened samples are petrographically fresh and have SiO2<52 wt.% and MgO>4 wt.%, to minimise crystal fractionation effects. Most of the samples belong to the Late Miocene – Quaternary volcanic activity of the East African Rift System (EARS), although a number of samples along the YTVL are representative of the Late Eocene – Early Miocene Ethiopian Volcanic Plateau flood basalts. The selected mafic lavas offer the opportunity to assess the geochemical diversity, if any, of the subcontinental mantle domains along the MER (Megado and the easternmost part of the YTVL) and in sectors far away from the MER (YTVL and Lake Tana). The samples have a wide compositional range: from basanite to alkali basalt, hy-normative basalt, qz-normative basalt, basaltic andesite, hawaiite, trachybasalt, and trachyandesite. The major and trace element characteristics of the mafic lavas demonstrate an origin from a relatively fertile and trace element enriched lithospheric mantle at pressure variable from ∼2.0 to 3.5 GPa. Moreover, systematic variations in K/Nb, Ba/Nb, and Ba/Rb demand for the contribution of trace amounts of phlogopite to melt production. The geochemical signature coupled with the geographical distribution of the Late Miocene – Quaternary samples along the YTVL (∼500 km) and the Lake Tana and Megado sectors set constraints on a relatively homogenous lateral continuity of the deeper lithospheric mantle domains (∼2–3.5 GPa). On the other hand, the trace element characteristics of the Ethiopian Volcanic Plateau samples along the YTVL, demand for a chromatographic process en route to the surface and indicate a shallower lithospheric mantle domain (<2 GPa) with a different geochemical signature. Overall, the selected mafic lavas provide evidence for vertically zoned lithospheric mantle domains: the shallower domain (<2 GPa) consists of an enriched mantle component with a geochemical signature similar to continental crust material (EM II), whilst the deeper domain (∼2–3.5 GPa) consists of an enriched component similar to the average composition of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM). Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at Appendix available as electronic supplementary material
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