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Magnesium-iron compositional variance in hornblende pyroxene granulites
Authors:S. K. Sen
Affiliation:(1) Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, W. Bengal, India
Abstract:Hornblende-orthopyroxene-calcic pyroxene-plagioclase (andesine-labradorite) — magnetite-ilmenite±quartz assemblages are evidently the most common granulite facies representatives of basic rocks throughout the world, and they must represent a variance of more than one. Ramberg (1948) invoked an additional degree of freedom arising out of unequal fractionation of Mg and Fe in the ferromagnesian silicates in such rocks. This is examined in detail on the basis of chemical data on twentytwo hornblende-orthopyroxenecalcic pyroxene triads, half of them from the type charnockite area near Madras.Theoretical consideration of a magnesium-iron distribution model shows that in quartz-bearing hornblende pyroxene granulites, the Mg/Mg+Fe ratios of hornblende, orthopyroxene and calcic pyroxene are uniquely determined by temperature at constant pressure. But these assemblages contain quartz rarely and Mg-Fe distribution among the three can be best described by three exchange equilibria where, at constant temperature, there is a fixed relation between the Mg/Mg+Fe ratios of the minerals. Among these, the exchange equilibria between hornblende-orthopyroxene and hornblende-calcic pyroxene appear to be interdependent; however, they are known to be significantly modified by varying tetrahedral aluminium contents of hornblendes. Comparison of molecular Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratios of hornblendes and parent rocks strongly points to an absence of Mg-Fe compositional variance in the ldquototalrdquo system, a petrologically important corollary being that the hornblendes in these rocks are highly unlikely to be secondary after pyroxenes. The general variance of the assemblages is also discussed.
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