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引用本文:牛保祥,王虹,周建平,张遴信. 山东淄博地区石炭纪含(竹蜓)地层[J]. 地层学杂志, 1985, 0(2)
作者姓名:牛保祥  王虹  周建平  张遴信
摘    要:<正> 石炭纪含(竹蜓)地层在山东境内出露比较广泛,包括淄博、章邱、峄县、莱芜等地,以淄博及章邱一带出露较好。石炭纪含(竹蜓)地层可分为上石炭统本溪组和上石炭统太原组二部份,含(竹蜓)石灰岩的层数和厚度在山东各地不一,变化较大。谭锡畴(1922)在淄川、博山地层柱状图中,将含(竹蜓)石灰岩作为博山组(Poshan Formation)的下部,相当于山西的太原组。李四光、赵亚曾(1926)在山东境内找到三处石炭纪含(竹蜓)地层,即:章邱煤田、博山煤田及峄县煤

Carboniferous fusulinid-bearing strata in Zibo, Shandong
Abstract:The Carboniferous fusulinid-bearing rocks in Zibo city can be subdivided into two formations, the Penchi Formation and the Taiyuan Formation. The Penchi Formation has two fusulinid-bearing limestones (the Hsukiachuan Limestone and the Wanshanzhuang Limestone) and the Taiyuan Formationhas four fusulinid bearing limestones. As a result of the fossil fusulinids, the writers classified the Penchi Formation into one zone and two subzones, zone of Fusulinella-Fusulina (the lower subzone of Fusulinella provecta-Fusulina pseudokonnoi and the upper subzone of Fusulina cylindrica-F. quasicylindrica); the Taiyuan Formation into two zones and five subzones, the upper zone of Triticites boshanensis and the lower zone of Pseudoschwagerina (in descending order, subzone of Pseudoschwagerina gerontica, subzone of Schwagerina boshanensis, subzone of Triticites shandongensis, subzone of Pseudoschwagerina uddeni and subzone of Rogosofusulina complicata).
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