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Analytical 3D transient elastodynamic fundamental solution of unsaturated soils
Authors:Iman Ashayeri  Behrouz Gatmiri
Affiliation:Geotechnical Research Center, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), No. 26 Arghavan St., North Dibaji St., Tehran 19537‐14453, Iran
Abstract:Unsaturated soils are considered as porous continua, composed of porous skeleton with its pores filled by water and air. The governing partial differential equations (PDE) are derived based on the mechanics for isothermal and infinitesimal evolution of unsaturated porous media in terms of skeleton displacement vector, liquid, and gas scalar pressures. Meanwhile, isotropic linear elastic behavior and liquid retention curve are presented in terms of net stress and capillary pressure as constitutive relations. Later, an explicit 3D Laplace transform domain fundamental solution is obtained for governing PDE and then closed‐form analytical transient 3D fundamental solution is presented by means of analytical inverse Laplace transform technique. Finally, a numerical example is presented to validate the assumptions used to derive the analytical solution by comparing them with the numerically inverted ones. The transient fundamental solutions represent important features of the elastic wave propagation theory in the unsaturated soils. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords:poroelastodynamics  unsaturated soils  boundary element method  analytical transient solution
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