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Resonance line radiation originating from a region with well-developed plasma turbulence
Authors:E. B. Kleiman  V. V. Koulinich
Affiliation:(1) State University Nizhnii Novgorod, Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia
Abstract:This study considers the influence of the effects of scattering due to Langmuir turbulent pulsations in the transfer of radiation in the spectral lines. The transfer equation of radiation in spectral lines, by taking into account scattering due to Langmuir turbulent pulsations, is written in a form convenient for application by numerical methods.The profile's intensity for a plane-parallel finite isothermal slab of a turbulent plasma in the case of complete redistribution of scattering by an atom are obtained. Numerical studies show that in this case with the broadening of spectral lines and the decreasing of self-reversal, the Langmuir frequencyugrpe is of the same order as the electronic Doppler width DeltaugrDe. Creation of the line satellites whenugrpe is larger than the line width Deltaugr is shown with the aid of numerical methods.
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