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Google Earth在《城市遥感技术》教学中的应用
引用本文:赵银兵,倪忠云,何杰,刘栋,吴柏清. Google Earth在《城市遥感技术》教学中的应用[J]. 地理空间信息, 2012, 10(4): 172-174
作者姓名:赵银兵  倪忠云  何杰  刘栋  吴柏清
作者单位:1. 成都理工大学旅游与城乡规划学院,四川成都,610059
2. 成都理工大学人事处,四川成都,610059
基金项目:2010年高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20105122120014); 四川省教育厅重点资助项目(11ZA048); 成都理工大学教改资助项目(XJG1111);成都理工大学中青年骨干教师培养计划联合资助
摘    要:Google Earth软件具有免费、开放、简单易用等特点,对丰富教学资源和改善教学方法具有重要意义。基于GoogleEarth平台,在《城市遥感技术》教学中,对于遥感成像和影像特征、遥感解译标志及方法、城市遥感影像的信息提取、城市遥感专项调查等章节的理论教学,应重点运用遥感影像的搜索、标注和显示等功能;对于遥感影像地图制作、地类信息提取、演变信息提取等实验教学,应重点运用采集、存储、查询、分析、显示和输出等集成功能。实践表明,Google Earth值得在地学教育模式革新中推广。

关 键 词:Google Earth  遥感图像  地理信息系统  地学教育  教学观念

Application of Google Earth in Urban Remote Sensing Technology
Affiliation:ZHAO Yinbing
Abstract:Google Earth is important for enriching teaching resource and improving teaching methods because of its free, open, and easy to use. Based on Google Earth platform, in the theory teaching which includes remote sensing imaging and imaging features, remote sensing interpretation signs and methods, urban remote sensing image information extraction, and urban remote sensing special investigation, the search, annotation, and display functions were applied. In the experimental teaching which includes remote sensing image map making, land type information extraction, evolution information extraction, and collection, storage, query, analysis, display and output functions was key to use. Practice shows that, Google Earth is worth promoting in innovation of geosciences education model.
Keywords:Google Earth  remote sensing imagery  geographic information systems  geology and geography education  teaching concepts
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