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Spatiotemporal analysis of land use/cover changes in Nanchang area,China
Abstract:Based on remote sensing and Geographic Information System techniques, multi-temporal Landsat data were used to monitor land use/cover changes (LUCC) in the Nanchang area during 1989–2010. Quantitative and spatiotemporal indicators derived from the transition matrix for overall changes, intensity analysis for inter-category transitions, and spatiotemporal analysis of intra-category variations were constructed to analyze the spatiotemporal LUCC evolution. The study results show that urban and industrial land rapidly and continually expanded. The spatial extent of rural settlements shrunk while their distribution density increased. Cultivated land showed a tendency of spatially continuous loss and fragmented distribution, whereas the spatial pattern of forest tended to concentrate. The extents of ponds and reservoirs remained stable, but spatial changes were obvious. Rivers and bottomlands decreased significantly and tended toward fragmentation. The overall LUCC pattern showed that construction land rapidly sprawled while cultivated land decreased substantially, indicating an accelerating stage of urbanization and industrialization. Although rigid land requirements for urbanization had to be satisfied, land development and consolidation across forests and water body areas, as well as adjustment of agricultural structure, laid the foundation for a transition toward intensive land use in the Nanchang area.
Keywords:land use/cover change  spatiotemporal pattern  remotely sensed data  GIS  Nanchang area  Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Region
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