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Large-scale rheomorphic shear deformation in Miocene peralkaline ignimbrite E,Gran Canaria
Authors:Philip T Leat  Hans-Ulrich Schmincke
Affiliation:(1) Institut für Mineralogie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, W-4630 Bochum 1, F.R.G.;(2) Abteiling Vulkanologie und Petrologie, GEOMAR, Wischhofstraße 1-3, W-2300 Kiel 14, F.R.G.;(3) Present address: British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, CB3 0ET Cambridge, U.K.
the single ignimbrite cooling unit E (average thickness, 28 m; volume, ca. 30 km3) forms the uppermost member of the Miocene Upper Mogán Formation on Gran Canaria. It is strongly chemically zoned from basal, first-erupted comendite (peralkaline rhyolite) to late-erupted trachyte, and, apart from an upper trachytic zone, it is densely welded. E was emplaced onto a surface inclined ca. 2–5° from the source caldera. Detailed mapping of key sections, up to 300 m long, exposed in barranco walls, ca. 10 km from the caldera margin, reveals structures that are interpreted to have been produced by rheomorphic deformation of the ignimbrite along shear zones. The shear zones formed within the lower-viscosity comenditic tuff. Extensional structures include mega-boudinage and lsquodecapitated sequencesrsquo and compression resulted in sequence repitition by overthrusting. Mechanisms traditionally thought to be important during rheomorphic deformation of welded tuffs (compaction, lateral creep, folding, vertical density-driven diapirism) cannot account for these features, which reflect lateral (post-compactional) rheomorphic movement locally in excess of 800 m. We suggest the following sequence of events: emplacement of the several flow units; compaction, with little lateral movement; rheomorphic deformation. During and after compaction, layers of secondary porosity developed within the comenditic tuff, possibly where upward escape of gas was prevented by overlying, relatively impermeable layers of densely compacted ignimbrite. These structurally weak layers of high porosity subsequently acted as shear zones.
Keywords:Ignimbrite  Canary Islands  Mogá  n Fomation  Comendite  Trachyte  Rheomorphism  Shear zone
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