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Simulation of regional gravity field recovery from satellite gravity gradiometer data using collocation and FFT
Authors:D. Arabelos  C. C. Tscherning
Affiliation:(1) Department of Geodesy and Surveying, University of Thessaloniki, GR-540 06 Thessalonik, (Greece);(2) Geophysical Institute, University of Copenhagen, Haraldsgade 6, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, (Denmark)
When planning a satellite gravity gradiometer (SGG) mission, it is important to know the quality of the quantities to be recovered at ground level as a function of e.g. satellite altitude, data type and sampling rate, and signal variance and noise. This kind of knowledge may be provided either using the formal error estimates of wanted quantities using least-squares collocation (LSC) or by comparing simulated data at ground level with results computed by methods like LSC or Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Results of a regional gravity field recovery in a 10o×20o area surrounding the Alps using LSC and FFT are reported. Data used as observations in satellite altitude (202 or161 km) and for comparison at ground level were generated using theOSU86F coefficient set, complete to degree 360. These observations are referred to points across simulated orbits. The simulated quantities were computed for a 45 days mission period and 4 s sampling. A covariance function which also included terms above degree 360 was used for prediction and error estimation. This had the effect that the formal error standard deviation for gravity anomalies were considerably larger than the standard deviations of predicted minus simulated quantities. This shows the importance of using data with frequency content above degree 360 in simulation studies. Using data at202 km altitude the standard deviation of the predicted minus simulated data was equal to8.3 mgal for gravity and0.33 m for geoid heights.
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