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Patterns of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile Beds around the Island of Ischia (Gulf of Naples) and in Adjacent Waters
Authors:Paolo  Colantoni   Paolo  Gallignani   Eugenio  Fresi Francesco  Cinelli
Affiliation:Istituto di Geologia Marina del C.N.R., Bologna, Italy;Stazione Zoologica di Napoli, Laboratorio di Ecologia del Benthos, Ischia, Italy;Cattedra di Biologia Generale, University di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Abstract:Abstract. Posidonia oceanica prairies have been studied and mapped around the Island of Ischia and in adjacent waters. Prairies were found to cover an area of 15.7 km2 and to be distributed between 0.5 and 39 m depth. The observed distribution is comparable to those reported by previous authors indicating that prairies have not undergone remarkable regressions in the last 50 years. Patterns recorded within the beds and at their lower limits, as indicated also by their sediments characteristics, are correlated to hydrodynamic energy. Two main types of water motion are responsible for the different types of erosive features: a) steady currents flowing parallel to the coast; b) rip-, wave induced currents flowing normal to the coast.
Keywords:Posidonia oceanica, Island of Ischia    Gulf of Naples    sea floor mapping    matte    erosive features
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