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引用本文:勾继,郑循华,王明星,李长生. 华东地区稻麦轮作农田生态系统N2O排放的模拟研究[J]. 大气科学, 2000, 24(6): 835-842
作者姓名:勾继  郑循华  王明星  李长生
作者单位:1. 中国科学院大气物理研究所大气边界层物理和大气化学国家重点实验室,北京 100029
2. 美国新罕布什尔大学,NH 03824, USA
摘    要:
利用DNDC(DeNitrification and DeComposition)模式,对华东地区典型稻麦轮作农田生态系统的N2O排放特征进行了模拟研究。结果表明:该模式能模拟出轮作周期中N2O的主要排放峰值和排放趋势,但与实测值相比,模拟结果普遍有些偏小。相对而言,该模式对旱地阶段的模拟结果比较理想,尤其是对春季小麦返青至成熟期的模拟最好。因此,我们就该阶段影响N2O排放的主要因子进行了敏感性研究。结果指出,对这一阶段N2O排放影响最大的是化肥的施用,其他比较重要的影响因子还包括犁地方式、有机肥、降水量、降水中的N含量以及温度等。

关 键 词:N2O排放;模式模拟;敏感因子;农业生态系统

A Simulating Study of N2O Emission from a Rice-Wheat Rotation Ecosystem in Southeast China
Gou Ji,Zheng Xunhu,Wang Mingxing and Li Changsheng. A Simulating Study of N2O Emission from a Rice-Wheat Rotation Ecosystem in Southeast China[J]. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 2000, 24(6): 835-842
Authors:Gou Ji  Zheng Xunhu  Wang Mingxing  Li Changsheng
DNDC model is applied to simulate the nitrous oxide emissions from a rice-wheat rotation ecosystem in Southeast China. The result shows that the model is able to simulate most of the N2O emission pulses and trends. Although the simulated N2O emission fluxes are generally smaller than the measured ones, the model outputs during the dry land periods, especially during the wheat reviving and maturing stages in spring, are much better than those in other Periods. Some sensitive experiments were made via simulating the N2O emissions in spring, when there is a smallest gap between the simulated fluxes and the measured ones. we can draw a conclusion from the results that fertilization is the most important regulating factor while the N2O emission is sensitive to some other factors such as temperature, precipitation, manure, tillage and the wet deposition of atmospheric nitrate.
Keywords:N2O emission   model simulating   sensitive factors   agricultural ecosystem
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