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Explanation of the internal air pressure effect on the worden gravity meter dial constant
Authors:Karel Diviš  Vladimír Tobyáš  Bohumil Chán  Reviewer Z. Šimon
Affiliation:(1) Geodetic and Cartographic Enterprise, Prague;(2) Geophysical Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague
Abstract:Summary A model, explaining the effect of air pressure changes in the space of the measuring system on the fine dial counter constant of the Worden and similar gravity meters, is presented. It is based on the changes of the bellows volume with compensating the gravity changes. It is shown that the resetting the gravity meter in the whole range has practically no influence on the fine dial counter constant.
Rcyiecyzcyyucymcyiecy Pcyrcyuvcyiecy¶rt;iecyncya mcyocy¶rt;iecylcysoftcy, nocyyacyscyncyyacyyucyshchcyayacy ecyfcyfcyiecykcym uzcymcyiecyncyiecyncyuubreve ¶rt;avcylcyiecyncyuyacy vcyocyzcy¶rt;ucykhcya vcy nrcyocyscymrcyancyscymvcyiecy uzcymcyiecyrcyumiecylcysoftcyncyocyubreve scyuscymiecymcyycy ncya nocyscymocyyacyncyncyucyyucy mcyalcyocygcyocy vcyuncymagcyrcyavcyumcyiecymrcya Ucyocyrcy¶rt;iecyncy u nocykhcyocyzhcyukhcygcyrcyavcyumcyiecymrcyocyvcy. Mcyocy¶rt;iecylcysoftcy ocyscyncyocyvcyancya ncya uzcymcyiecyncyiecyncyuyacykhcy ocybcyhardcyiecymcya scyulcysoftcyfcyocyncya mcyukcyrcyocymcyiecymrcyuchcyiecyscykcyocygcyocy vcyuncyma nrcyu kcyocymcyniecyncyscyatscyuu uzcymcyiecyncyiecyncyuubreve scyulcyycy myacyzhcyiecyscymu. Pcyocykcyazcyancyocy, chcymocy niecyrcyiecyscymrcyocyubrevekcya ¶rt;uanazcyocyncya bcyocylcysoftcyshchcymcy vcyuncymocymcy nrcyakcymuchcyiecyscykcyu ncyiecy vcylcyuyacyiecym ncya uzcymcyiecyncyiecyncyuiecy nocyscymocyyacyncyncyocyubreve mcyalcyocygcyocy vcyuncyma.
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