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Crystal Accumulation and Magma Mixing in the Petrogenesis of Tholeiitic Andesites from Fukujin Seamount, Northern Mariana Island Arc
Affiliation:Economic Geology Research Unit, Department of Geology, University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg 2050, Republic of South Africa
Abstract:Fukujin Seamount is a large, active, submarine volcano on thevolcanic front in the northernseamount province (NSP) of theMariana island arc (MIA). Five dredge hauls from the summitand upper flanks of Fukujin recovered mainly highly porphyriticbasaltic andesites. A few nearly aphyric samples are medium-Ksiliceous andesites (SiO2 = 62%, K2O = 1•5%). Fukujin andmost other large arc-front volcanoes of the northern MIA havetholeiitic (iron-enrichment) fractionation trends. This contrastswith the calc-alkaline trends of many smaller seamounts. A negativecorrelation of modal plagioclase content with bulk-rock SiO2,as well as bulk-rock major and trace element variation trends,and glass analyses, suggests that lavas with >30 vol.% phenocrystsand <55 wt.% SiO2 are partial cumulates. The presence ofbimodal phenocryst populations along with reversed to normalzoning of phenocrysts is explained by magma mixing of andesiticand basaltic liquids. Hybrid basaltic andesites probably formedby the accumulation of plagioclase in a tholeiitic magma chamberundergoing replenishment and mixing at a shallow crustal level.A petrogenetic model is presented for the origin of basalticandesite by combined magma mixing and fractional crystallization.Aphyric siliceous andesites can be modelled by simple fractionationof basaltic andesite. The early fractionating assemblage consistedmainly of plagioclase and clinopyroxene, with lesser olivineand minor magnetite, but plagioclase remained suspended in themelt. The later fractionating assemblage was dominated by plagioclasewith orthopyroxene instead of olivine. *Present address: 2260 rue Panet, Montreal, Quebec, H2L 3A6, Canada.
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