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Palaeomagnetism of the teschenitic rocks (Lower Cretaceous) in the Outer Western Carpathians of Poland: constraints for tectonic rotations in the Silesian unit
Authors:J. Grabowski,L. Krzemi&#  ski,P. Nescieruk, E. Starnawska
Affiliation:Polish Geological Institute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975;Warszawa, Poland. E-mail: Polish Geological Institute, Carpathian Branch, Skrzatów 1, 31-560,;Kraków, Poland
Results of palaeomagnetic investigations of the Lower Cretaceous teschenitic rocks in the Silesian unit of the Outer Western Carpathians in Poland bring evidence for pre-folding magnetization of these rocks. The mixed-polarity component reveals inclinations, between 56° and 69°, which might be either of Cretaceous or Tertiary age. Apparently positive results of fold and contact tests in some localities and presence of pyrhotite in the contact aureole suggest that magnetization is primary, although a Neogene or earlier remagnetization cannot be totally excluded since inclination-only test between localities gives 'syn-folding' results. Higher palaeoinclinations (66°–69°) correlate with a younger variety of teschenitic rocks dated for 122–120 Ma, while lower inclinations (56°–60°) with an older variety (138–133 Ma). This would support relatively high palaeolatitudes for the southern margin of the Eurasian plate in the late part of the Early Cretaceous and relatively quick northward drift of the plate in this epoch, together with the Silesian basin at its southern margin. Declinations are similar to the Cretaceous–Tertiary palaeodeclinations of stable Europe in the eastern part of the studied area but rotated ca. 14°–70° counter-clockwise in the western part. This indicates, together with older results from Czech and Slovakian sectors of the Silesian unit, a change in the rotation pattern from counter-clockwise to clockwise at the meridian of 19°E. The rotations took place before the final collision of the Outer Carpathians nappe stack with the European foreland.
Keywords:Carpathians    Cretaceous    palaeomagnetism    tectonics
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