Abstract: | A version of the global–local finite element method is presented for studying dynamic steady-state soil–structure interaction wherein the soil medium extends to infinity. Herein, only axisymmetric behaviour is considered. In this approach, conventional finite elements are used to model the structure and some portion of the surrounding soil medium considered to be homogeneous and isotropic. A complete set of outgoing waves in the form of spherical harmonics for the entire space is used to represent the behaviour in the half-space beyond the finite element mesh and these are termed the global functions. Full traction and displacement continuity is enforced at the finite element mesh interface with the outer region. On the free surface of the half-space in the outer field, traction-free surface conditions are enforced by demanding that a sequence of integrals of the weighted-average tractions must vanish. Numerical examples are presented for the response of different shaped foundations, resting on the free surface or at various submerged levels, due to a normal seismic plane compressional wave. Plots of differential scattering cross-sections show the angular distribution of the energy (its directional nature) of the scattered field. |