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Impact of Topography on Accuracy of Land Cover Spectral Change Vector Analysis Using AWiFS in Western Himalaya
Authors:J. K. Sharma  V. D. Mishra  R. Khanna
Affiliation:1. Rayat Institute of Engineering and Information Technology, Railmajra, Near Ropar, Distt., Nawanshahr, Punjab, 144533, India
2. Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment (SASE), Him Parisar, Sector 37A, Chandigarh, 160036, India
3. Electronics and Communication Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala, 147004, India
Abstract:The present paper discusses the impact of topography on accuracy for land cover classification and “from-to class change using improved spectral change vector analysis suggested by Chen et al. (2003). Two AWiFS sensor images of different dates are used. Double Window Flexible Pace Search (DFPS) is used to estimate threshold of change magnitude for change/no change classes. The topographic corrections show accuracy of 90% (Kappa coefficient 0.7811) for change/no change area as compared to 82% (Kappa coefficient 0.6512) in uncorrected satellite data. Direction cosines of change vector for determining change direction in n-dimensional spectral space is used for image classification with a minimum distance categorizing technique. The results of change detection are compared (i) Improved CVA with conventional two bands CVA and (ii) Improved CVA before and after topographic corrections. The improved CVA with topographic correction consideration using slope match show maximum accuracy of 90% (Kappa coefficient 0.83) as compared to conventional CVA which show maximum accuracy of 82% (Kappa coefficient 0.6624). The overall accuracy of ”from- to class using improved CVA increases from 86% (Kappa coefficient 0.7817) to 90% (Kappa coefficient 0.83) after topographic corrections. The improved CVA with proper topographic corrections is found to be effective for change detection analysis in the rugged Western Himalayan terrain.
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