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Potential application of remote sensing systems to the African rift system
Authors:A. Boud
Interdisciplinary interpretation of satellite and geologic-geophysical data can be applied to East Africa as a cost-effective means of regional tectonic evaluation. All available data sources: geologic and geophysical maps and remote sensing images should be used. Remote sensing methods are very efficient for the “synoptic overlook” necessary to pinpoint areas for more detailed investigation.The use of satellite imagery is a way of applying and testing structural frameworks for mineral potential as surface reflections of deep tectonic features can be recognized. Mineralization can be correlated with tectonic lineaments that are probably related to persistent discontinuities in the upper mantle. The outlining of these discontinuities would be of value in the search for the understanding of riftogenesis and in the search for mineralization.This paper is a review of such work with a specific example from Canada, and how the approach can be applied to Africa for continuing research on recent crustal movements.
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