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Technology and Its Application: MIS with Geographical Information
引用本文:ChenWenming QiHuan. Technology and Its Application: MIS with Geographical Information[J]. 中国地质大学学报(英文版), 2003, 14(1): 90-94
作者姓名:ChenWenming QiHuan
摘    要:
Despite the constant expansion of the application of GIS, in recent years, the data process-ing ability of the application system developed with GIS_Tool is quite limited. Management information system with the geographical information can not only be used to deal with data commonly, but also deal with digitized maps as GIS_Tool does. Thus it can help the user develop an application system high-qual-ified both in maps and traditional data. This paper, by taking the method of integrated MapInfo in the application of Visual Basic as an example, mainly illustrates two technological problenm-integrated map technology and the multiuserization of Maplnfo geographical information. And also the concrete solu-tions to the problems are provided.

关 键 词:管理信息系统 地理信息系统 GIS MIS 地图信息

Technology and Its Application:MIS with Geographical Information
Chen Wenming,QI Huan. Technology and Its Application:MIS with Geographical Information[J]. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2003, 14(1): 90-94
Authors:Chen Wenming  QI Huan
Despite the constant expansion of the application of GIS, in recent ye ars, the data processing ability of the application system developed with GIS_To ol is quite limited. Management information system with the geographical informa tion can not only be used to deal with data commonly, but also deal with digitiz ed maps as GIS_Tool does. Thus it can help the user develop an application syste m high qualified both in maps and traditional data. This paper, by taking the method of integrated MapInfo in the application of Vis ual Basic as an example, mainly illustrates two technological problems integrat ed map technology and the multiuserization of MapInfo geographical information. And also the concrete solutions to the problems are provided.
Keywords:management information system   geographical information   MapInfo.
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