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Dating Magmatic Hornblende and Biotite and Hydrothermal Sericite by Laser Probe Technique:Constraints on Genesis of Wangershan Gold Deposit, Eastern Shandong Province, China
引用本文:Vasconcelos P M,Zhou M F,Duzgoren-Aydin N S. Dating Magmatic Hornblende and Biotite and Hydrothermal Sericite by Laser Probe Technique:Constraints on Genesis of Wangershan Gold Deposit, Eastern Shandong Province, China[J]. 中国地质大学学报(英文版), 2003, 14(4): 339-348
作者姓名:Vasconcelos P M  Zhou M F  Duzgoren-Aydin N S
作者单位:Department of Earth Sciences,The University of Queensland,Department of Earth Sciences,The University of Hong Kong,Department of Earth Sciences,The University of Hong Kong Brisbane 4072,Australia,Pokfulam,Hong Kong,Pokfulam,Hong Kong
基金项目:ThispaperissupportedbyCUGResearchStartupFundingforReturneeStudyingAbroad (2 0 0 2 1 3)andtheNationalKeyBasicResearchProjectG1 9990 4 32 0 7 3 (China)andARCLargeGrantA39531 81 5 (Australia)
摘    要:
INTRODUCTIONEasternShandongProvincerepresentsthelargestgoldconcentrationregioninChina ,withannualproduc tion >5 5 - 6 0tgoldandpresentreserveofmorethan90 0tgold ,accountingforaquarterofthetotalgoldproductioninthecountry .Amajorityofthegoldde positsishostedintheJurassic Cretaceousgranitoidin trusions .TimingofgoldmineralizationineasternShan donghasbeenamajorfocusofmanypreviousstudies .K Ar,Rb SrandconventionalU Pbisotopicdatinginthelasttwodecadeshaveyieldedawiderangeofminer alizationag…

关 键 词:角闪石 年龄测定 黑云母 热液 娟云母 激光探测器 金矿 山东东部 中国

Dating Magmatic Hornblende and Biotite and Hydrothermal Sericite by Laser Probe Technique:Constraints on Genesis of Wangershan Gold Deposit, Eastern Shandong Province,China
Li Jianwei,Vasconcelos P M,Zhou M F,Duzgoren-Aydin N S. Dating Magmatic Hornblende and Biotite and Hydrothermal Sericite by Laser Probe Technique:Constraints on Genesis of Wangershan Gold Deposit, Eastern Shandong Province,China[J]. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2003, 14(4): 339-348
Authors:Li Jianwei  Vasconcelos P M  Zhou M F  Duzgoren-Aydin N S
The Wangershan gold deposit and spatially related Shangzhuang granite, eastern Shandong Province, have been precisely dated by 40 Ar/39 Ar laser incremental heating technique. Magmatic hornblende and biotite, collected from the Shangzhuang granites, yielded well-defined and reproducible plateau ages at 128. 1-127.5 and 124.4-124. 1 Ma (2σ), measuring the cooling ages of the intrusion at ca. 500 ℃ and 300-350 ℃, respectively. Hydrothermal sericite extracted from auriferous vein gave high-quality plateau ages between (120. 6±0.3) Ma and (120. 0±0. 4) Ma (2σ). Given the similarity of the closure temperature for argon diffusion (300-350 ℃ ) in the sericite mineral to the homogenization temperature of primary fluid inclusions in the quartz from gold ores, and the intergrowth of sericite with native gold, present 40Ar/39 Ar sericite ages can be reliably interpreted in terms of the mineralization age for the Wangershan deposit. 40 Ar/39 Ar hornblende and biotite ages permit an estimate for the cooling rate of the Shangzhuang granite at about 50 ℃/Ma. There are abundant intermediate-mafic dikes in most gold camps of eastern Shandong, whose ages of formation have been previously constrained mainly at 121-119 Ma. The temporal association between the Shangzhuang granite, the Wangershan gold deposit, and the widespread dikes confirms that intrusive activity, gold mineralization, and dike emplacement in this region were broadly coeval, reflecting significant continental lithosphere thinning and resulting crustal extension of Early Cretaceous in eastern China.
Keywords:40Ar/39 Ar dating   cooling age  magmatism  mineralization  Wangershan gold deposit.
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