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引用本文:刘庆生,刘高焕. 黄河三角洲主要城镇人居环境遥感初探[J]. 测绘科学, 2002, 27(1): 47-49
作者姓名:刘庆生  刘高焕
摘    要:近年来,随着社会经济的不断发展,黄河三角洲地区城镇化进程加快,大、小城镇星罗棋布。为了更好地指导黄河三角洲地区城镇化规划,有许多问题值得深入研究,主要城镇现状对比分析就是其中之一。利用中巴地球资源一号卫星数据对黄河三角洲地区的河口区、仙河镇、孤岛镇、垦利县城、东城和西城进行了研究,比较了其土地利用差别。逐步分析的方法为:①地球资源一号卫星图像数据几何纠正,图像子区裁切;②利用非监督分类方法(ISOD-DATA)将6个图像子区各分为10类;③利用滤波器对分类结果进行去小地块处理;④对滤波后分类图像进行自动矢量化;⑤利用Arc/Info地理信息系统软件进行矢量编辑,分别统计各主要城镇各地类的面积;⑥分析与讨论等。

关 键 词:黄河三角洲  主要城镇  遥感研究

Primary Study on the Main Towns of the Yellow River Delta by Remote Sensing
LIU Qing-sheng,LIU Gao-huan,L Feng. Primary Study on the Main Towns of the Yellow River Delta by Remote Sensing[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 2002, 27(1): 47-49
Authors:LIU Qing-sheng  LIU Gao-huan  L Feng
Abstract:In the recent years, with the continuous development of society and economy, the Yellow River delta is townified quickly. In order to guide the townified development of the Yellow River delta better, many questions must be lucubrated, the contrastive studies and analyses on the main towns are one of all. This paper uses China-Brazil Earth Resource Satellite-1 (CBERS-1) image data(acquired on October 3, 2000, Path: 370-58), to analyze the differences of land use of Hekou, Xianhe, Gudao, Kenli, Dongcheng and Xicheng town. A stepwise approach to implement this research is proposed: (1) geometric correction of the CBERS-1 image data and subset, (2) ten classes resulting from ISODATA classification of six subsets, (3) twice filtering of the subsets by FMO method, (4) automatically raster to vector by RTV program of PCI software, (5) vector edited by Arc/Info software, (6) analyses and discusses.
Keywords:the Yellow River delta  the main towns  remote sensing anlysis
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