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GGR Biennial Critical Review: Analytical Developments Since 2010
Authors:Michael Wiedenbeck  Roxana Bugoi  M. John M. Duke  Tibor Dunai  Jacinta Enzweiler  Mary Horan  Klaus Peter Jochum  Kathryn Linge  Jan Košler  Silke Merchel  Luiz F.G. Morales  Lutz Nasdala  Roland Stalder  Paul Sylvester  Ulrike Weis  Arnaud Zoubir
Affiliation:1. Helmholtz–Zentrum Potsdam, , D‐14473 Potsdam, Germany;2. National Institute for Nuclear Physics and Engineering, , RO‐077125 Bucharest‐M?gurele, Romania;3. SLOWPOKE Nuclear Reactor Facility, University of Alberta, , Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2G7 Canada;4. Institut für Geologie und Mineralogie, Universit?t zu K?ln, , D‐50939 K?ln, Germany;5. Institute of Geosciences, University of Campinas – UNICAMP, , 13083‐970 Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil;6. Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington, , Washington, DC, 20015 USA;7. Max‐Planck‐Institut für Chemie, , D‐55020 Mainz, Germany;8. Curtin Water Quality Research Centre, Curtin University, , Perth, Western Australia, 6845 Australia;9. Department of Earth Science and Centre for Geobiology, University of Bergen, , N‐5007 Bergen, Norway;10. Helmholtz–Zentrum Dresden–Rossendorf, , D‐01328 Dresden, Germany;11. Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, University of Vienna, , A‐1090 Wien, Austria;12. Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography, University of Innsbruck, , A‐6020 Innsbruck, Austria;13. Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland, , St. John's, Newfoundland, A1B 3X5 Canada;14. ALPhANOV – Technology Center in Optics and Lasers, , F‐33400 Talence, France
Abstract:Advances in the chemical and isotopic characterisation of geological and environmental materials can often be ascribed to technological improvements in analytical hardware. Equally, the creation of novel methods of data acquisition and interpretation, including access to better reference materials, can also be crucial components enabling important breakthroughs. This biennial review highlights key advances in either instrumentation or data acquisition and treatment, which have appeared since January 2010. This review is based on the assessments by scientists prominent in each of the given analytical fields; it is not intended as an exhaustive summary, but rather provides insight from experts of the most significant advances and trends in their given field of expertise. In contrast to earlier reviews, this presentation has been formulated into a unified work, providing a single source covering a broad spectrum of geoanalytical techniques. Additionally, some themes that were not previously emphasised, in particular thermal ionisation mass spectrometry, accelerator‐based methods and vibrational spectroscopy, are also presented in detail.
Keywords:   TIMS     isotopic determination  geochronology  ICP‐MS  laser ablation  mass spectrometry  ICP‐AES  calibration  environmental sampling     FIB     3D imaging     SIMS     particle search     AMS     ion beam analysis  radionuclides  Raman     FTIR     fast imaging  neutron activation     INAA     reference materials  microanalysis
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