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利用ArcGIS Engine开发台风遥感监测分析系统
引用本文:杨何群,杨引明. 利用ArcGIS Engine开发台风遥感监测分析系统[J]. 测绘科学, 2012, 37(6): 181-183,149
作者姓名:杨何群  杨引明
摘    要:
采用.NET和ARCGIS Engine开发完成的台风遥感监测分析系统,通过对FY2C、NOAA、FY3A等不同卫星遥感数据,以及雷达数据、空间地理数据和各种专题数据进行读取处理,能够实现台风定位、定强、结构诊断、路径分析、降水估计等专项分析功能以及图像处理、地理导航、专题制图、数值预报等辅助分析功能,为台风的监测和预报提供了一体化的信息支撑,是国内率先实现台风遥感监测分析数据综合和功能综合的平台系统.本文重点介绍了系统开发中所采用的基于面向对象的台风遥感综合应用系统框架分析设计、数据库设计与组织、模型集成等系统实现关键技术.

关 键 词:台风遥感  组件GIS  ArcGIS Engine  .NET

Development of Typhoon Remote Sensing Monitoring and Analysis System based on ArcGIS Engine
YANG He-qun , YANG Yin-ming. Development of Typhoon Remote Sensing Monitoring and Analysis System based on ArcGIS Engine[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 2012, 37(6): 181-183,149
Authors:YANG He-qun    YANG Yin-ming
Affiliation:②(①Shanghai Center for Satellite Remote Sensing and Measurement Application,Shanghai 201199,China;②Shanghai Meteorological Center,Shanghai 200030,China)
An integrated typhoon remote sensing monitoring and analysis system developed by.NET and ArcGIS Engine has effectively integrated remote sensing data of different satellites and different sensors such as FY2C,NOAA,FY3A etc,radar data,spatial geographical data as well as various kinds of thematic data related to typhoon in one platform,and capably provided with professional analysis functions such as determination of typhoon's location,type and intensity,diagnosis of typhoon's structure,analysis of typhoon's track and rainfall estimation,auxiliary analysis functions such as image processing,geographic navigation,thematic mapping,numerical prediction etc.This paper focused on the logical and functional frameworks design for the typhoon-based object-oriented system,along with key technologies such as database design and organization,model integration adopted in the system development.
Keywords:typhoon remote sensing  component GIS  ArcGIS Engine  .NET
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