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Unusual Behavior of the Kuroshio Current System from Winter 1996 to Summer 1997 Revealed by ADEOS-OCTS and Other Data (Continued): A Study from Broad External Conditions with Bottom Topography
Authors:Yoshiaki Toba  Junichi Kimura  Hiroshi Murakami  Myoungsun Kim  Yasushi Yoshikawa  Koji Shimada
Affiliation:(1) Earth Observation Research Center, National Space Development Agency of Japan, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032, Japan;(2) Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, 2-15 Natsushima-cho, Yokosuka, 237-0061, Japan;(3) METOCEAN ENVIRONMENT INC., 2-2-2 Hayabuchi, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama, 224-0025, Japan;(4) Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan, 2-31-19 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0014, Japan
Abstract:In the previous paper (Toba and Murakami, 1998) we reported on an unusual path of the Kuroshio Current System, which occurred in April 1997 (April 1997 event), using the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) data of the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). The April 1997 event was characterized by the flow of the Kuroshio along the western slope (northward) and the eastern slope (southward) of the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge, a very southerly turning point at about 32°N, followed by a straight northward path up to 37°N of the Kuroshio Extension along the eastern flank of the Izu-Ogasawara and the Japan Trenches. Overlaying of depth contours on ADEOS-OCTS chlorophyll-a images at the April 1997 event demonstrates the bottom topography effects on the current paths. A new finding based on TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter data is that the sea-surface gradient across the Kuroshio/Kuroshio Extension diminished greatly in the sea area southeast of the central Japan, as a very temporary phenomenon prior to this event. This temporary diminishing of the upper-ocean current velocity might have caused a stronger bottom effect along the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge, and over the Izu-Ogasawara Trench disclosed a weak background, barotropic trench-flank current pattern, which existed otherwise independently of the Kuroshio Extension. The very southerly path of the Kuroshio Extension from winter 1996 to autumn 1998 corresponded, with a time lag of about 1.5 years, to the previous La Niña tendency with weaker North Equatorial Current. The April 1997 event occurred in accordance with its extreme condition.
Keywords:Kuroshio  Kuroshio Extension  April 1997 event  ADEOS-OCTS  bottom topography effect  Izu-Ogasawara Ridge and Trench  Japan Trench  La Niñ  a tendency  TOPEX/Poseidon  altimeter
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