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引用本文:陈晓燕,温海深,何峰,陈彩芳,张葭人,金国雄,史宝. 半滑舌鳎促黄体激素受体基因片段的克隆及组织表达分析[J]. 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 40(3)
作者姓名:陈晓燕  温海深  何峰  陈彩芳  张葭人  金国雄  史宝
摘    要:采用巢式RT-PCR法克隆了半滑舌鳎Cynoglossus semilaevis促黄体激素受体(Luteinizing Hormonene Receptor, LHR)基因部分序列,经过BLAST比对,认为该序列与庸鲽、牙鲆、黑鲷、尼罗罗非鱼、青鳉和红鳍东方鲀的LHR基因同源性分别为97%,94%,85%,83%,82%和80%.该基因片段长度为614 bp,编码204个氨基酸,含有典型的跨膜螺旋结构区域(TM helix),属于糖蛋白激素受体(GHR)家族.组织表达分析表明,LHR基因在半滑舌鳎的卵巢、精巢、肝脏、胃、肠、鳃、心、脾、肾、头肾和脑中均有表达,表达量有所不同,以脾和肾中表达量最丰富.

关 键 词:半滑舌鳎  促黄体激素受体  巢式RT-PCR  组织表达

Partial Sequence Cloning of LHR Gene in Cynoglossus semilaevis and Its Tissue Expression Analysis
CHEN Xiao-Yan,WEN Hai-Shen,HE Feng,CHEN Cai-Fang,ZHANG Jia-Ren,JIN Guo-Xiong,SHI Bao. Partial Sequence Cloning of LHR Gene in Cynoglossus semilaevis and Its Tissue Expression Analysis[J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2010, 40(3)
Authors:CHEN Xiao-Yan  WEN Hai-Shen  HE Feng  CHEN Cai-Fang  ZHANG Jia-Ren  JIN Guo-Xiong  SHI Bao
Abstract:Partial cDNAs encoding LHR(luteinizing hormonene receptor) gene were cloned from Cynoglossus semilaevis by nested reverse transcrip-polymerase chain reaction(nested RT-PCR).Alignment analysis showed that the sequence was 97%,94%,85%,83%,82% and 80% similar to those of Hippoglossus hippoglossus,Paralichthys olivaceus,Acanthopagrus schlegelii,Oreochromis niloticus,Oryzias latipes and Takifugu rubripes,respectively.The length of the fragment is 614 bp,and encodes a protein of about 204 amino acids,which contai...
Keywords:Cynoglossus semilaevis  LHR  nested RT-PCR  tissue expression
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