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Anisotropie verticale de la perméabilité de l'horizon fissuré des aquifères de socle : concordance avec la structure géologique des profils d'altération
Authors:Jean-Christophe Maréchal  Robert Wyns  Patrick Lachassagne  Kambhampati Subrahmanyam  Frédéric Touchard
Affiliation:1. BRGM, Service EAU, unité « Ressources en eau, milieux discontinus », Centre franco-indien de recherche sur les eaux souterraines, NGRI, Uppal Road, 500 007 Hyderabad, Inde;2. BRGM, Service cartographie, unité « Modélisation et Applications », 3, av. Claude-Guillemin, 45060 Orléans, France;3. BRGM, Service EAU, unité « Ressources en eau, milieux discontinus » 1039, rue de Pinville, 34000 Montpellier, France;4. National Geophysical Research Institute, Centre franco-indien de recherche sur les eaux souterraines, Uppal Road, 500 007 Hyderabad, Inde
Abstract:Pumping tests carried out in the fissured layer of a granitic hard-rock aquifer, interpreted at the observation wells by means of the analytical solution of Neuman and at the pumping wells with that of Gringarten show the existence of a strong vertical anisotropy of this layer of the aquifer; the horizontal permeability is clearly and systematically higher than the vertical one. These results agree perfectly with the geological observations, the fissured layer of the weathered granite profile showing the existence of many sub-horizontal fissures. It confirms that, within the fissured layer, the permeability of sub-horizontal fissures due to the weathering process dominates over that of sub-vertical fissures of tectonic origin. To cite this article: J.-C. Maréchal et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).To cite this article: J.-C. Maréchal et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).
Keywords:altération  socle  fracture horizontale  Inde  anisotropie  pompage d'essai  granite  weathering  hard rock  horizontal fracture  India  anisotropy  pumping test  granite
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