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引用本文:王聪,梅显贵,朱伟明. 海洋链霉菌来源的天然产物*[J]. 海洋科学集刊, 2016, 51(51): 86-124
作者姓名:王聪  梅显贵  朱伟明
作者单位:海洋药物教育部重点实验室 中国海洋大学医药学院 青岛 266003,海洋药物教育部重点实验室 中国海洋大学医药学院 青岛 266003,海洋药物教育部重点实验室 中国海洋大学医药学院 青岛 266003
基金项目:(Nos. 81561148012, U1501221, U1406402-1, 41376148);
摘    要:
海洋链霉菌由于其独特的生理和代谢功能,成为海洋微生物活性物质的主要来源。对2010-2013年初的海洋放线菌天然产物的统计表明,研究最多的是链霉菌放线菌,占海洋放线菌新天然产物的60%。本文综述了自1976年第一个海洋链霉菌天然产物到2016年6月的40年间报道的547个海洋链霉菌天然产物的结构、生物活性及其微生物来源。其结构包括含氮化合物(如生物碱)、聚酮、萜类、甾体等,其中含氮化合物是主要类型, 占海洋链霉菌天然产物总数的61%;而67%的海洋链霉菌天然产物表现出细胞毒、抑菌、抗疟和抗寄生虫等生物活性。

关 键 词:海洋放线菌  链霉菌  天然产物  来源  结构  生物活性  

New natural products from the marine-derived Streptomyces actinobacteria
WANG Cong,MEI Xian-Gui and ZHU Wei-Ming. New natural products from the marine-derived Streptomyces actinobacteria[J]. Studia Marina Sinica, 2016, 51(51): 86-124
Authors:WANG Cong  MEI Xian-Gui  ZHU Wei-Ming
Affiliation:Key Laboratory of Marine Drugs,Ministry of Education of China,School of Medicine and Pharmacy,Ocean University of China,Key Laboratory of Marine Drugs,Ministry of Education of China,School of Medicine and Pharmacy,Ocean University of China,Key Laboratory of Marine Drugs,Ministry of Education of China,School of Medicine and Pharmacy,Ocean University of China
Marine-derived Streptomyces were the chief source of the bioactive marine natural products (MNPs) from marine microbial origin owing to their unique physiological and metabolic functions. According to statistic results for MNPs from 2010 to 2013, marine-derived Streptomyces attributed to 60% MNPs sourced from marine-derived actinobacteria. This paper reviews the sources, structures and bioactivities of the 547 new MNPs of Streptomyces origin in 40 years from 1976 to June 2016. These MNPs have diverse structures including alkaloids, polyketides, sterols and terpenoids, and so on. Nitrogen compounds are the major structural types making up 61% MNPs from Streptomyces. And 67% MNPs sourced from Streptomyces showed bioactivities such as cytotoxicity, antimicrobial activity, antimalaric and insecticidal activity.
Keywords:Marine-derived actinobacteria   Streptomyces sp.   marine natural products   sources   chemcal structures   bioactivities
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