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Convection in a rotating deep compressible spherical shell: Application to the Sun
Authors:Gaetano Belvedere  Lucio Paternò
Affiliation:(1) Istituto di Astronomia dell'Università di Catania, Italy;(2) Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, Italy;(3) Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, Italy;(4) Istituto di Meccanica Razionale e Matematiche Applicate all'Ingegneria dell'Università di Catania, Italy
Abstract:In this paper we study the interaction of rotation with convection in a deep compressible spherical shell as the Sun's convection zone. We examine how the energy transport and the large scale motions can be affected by rotation. In particular we study how a large scale meridional circulation can give rise to variations of angular velocity with latitude and depth.It is assumed that the energy transport is only due to convection and that the mixing-length theory gives an adequate representation of it. Furthermore we assume that rotation acts as a perturbation of the turbulent convective flux through its transport coefficient.The equations involved in the model are integrated numerically in the limit of large viscosity and slow rotation. After having expanded all physical quantities to the first order in terms of Legendre polynomials, the fitting with the observed solar differential rotation gives the expansion parameter, which represents the coupling constant between rotation and convection.The results show a three-cell circulation extending from the poles to the equator. The first one is located in the lower half of the convection zone with the fluid rising at the equator and sinking at the poles. In the second one the direction of the motion is reversed while the third one, located in a thin upper layer, shows the same characteristics of the first one. The meridional velocities at the surface are directed towards the poles and are about 20 cm s-1. In the other cells the meridional velocities are typically of a few cm s-1 while the radial velocities are of the order of a few tenths of cm s-1.The heat flux relative variation at the surface is about 10-4 (3 × 10-3 at the bottom) with a polar excess. The temperature variation at the surface is of the same order, with an equatorial excess however. The convection seems to be stabilized stronger at the equator. The angular velocity increases inwards and varies about 6% between the surface and the bottom of the convection zone.An attempt is made for explaining the picture which emerges. In particular the negligible flux and temperature variations at the surface are explained in terms of equalization by the particular structure of the latitudinal flow. This configuration of large scale circulation is attributed to the high stratification of the convection zone with depth.
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