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引用本文:叶妍君,李仁杰,傅学庆,张军海. 基于数字高程模型的旅游地文化景观语义感知分析——以清西陵选址文化为例[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2012, 14(5): 576-583. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2012.00576
作者姓名:叶妍君  李仁杰  傅学庆  张军海
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41171105、40971089、40701137); 河北省高校重点学科建设项目
摘    要:景观感知对旅游地规划设计具有基础性作用,但人文旅游地内部的景观感知空间分异至今没有微观尺度上的研究方法出现.本文提出了景观视角分组基础上的景观语义特征点抽象方法,并建立了单文化景观和多文化景观语义感知度计算模型,以解决人文类型旅游地内部景观感知的强度空间分异计算问题.利用数字高程模型,在清西陵旅游地实现了文化景观语义感知度的实证研究:以中国传统的皇家陵寝选址文化及其表征的封建等级体系为语义准则,提取了4个代表性陵墓文化景观不同景观视角下的78个特征点,并赋予不同景观视角及每个特征点相应权重系数;利用视域分析、叠置分析等方法计算得到旅游地景观文化感知度;尝试利用感知度计算结果对现有观光线路进行观景点语义挖掘并设计了优化方案.论文为人文地理学景观感知定量化表达提供了思路,为旅游地规划、景观与线路设计等提供了技术途径.

关 键 词:文化景观  景观语义感知  数字高程模型  清西陵  

A DEM Based Semantic Perception of Culture Landscape in the Tourist Destination of the Western Qing Tombs
YE Yanjun,LI Renjie,FU Xueqing and ZHANG Junhai. A DEM Based Semantic Perception of Culture Landscape in the Tourist Destination of the Western Qing Tombs[J]. Geo-information Science, 2012, 14(5): 576-583. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2012.00576
Authors:YE Yanjun  LI Renjie  FU Xueqing  ZHANG Junhai
Affiliation:1. College of Resources and Environment Science, Hebei Normal University, Shij iazhnang 050016, China; 2. Hebei Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Ecological Construction, Shijiazhuang 050016, China)
Abstract:Landscape perception plays a basic role in the planning of tourist destination. But there has not been research methods appeared at the micro-scale so far. This paper presents an abstract method for fea- ture point based on the classification of landscape perception. And a calculation model of the semantic meaning perception degree about both single and multiple cultural landscapes is established to solve the perception problems occurred inside the humanistic tourist destination. An empirical research of semantic meaning perception of landscape was realized in the study of The Western Tombs of the Qing dynasty by using the DEM. According to traditional Chinese culture, this paper extracted 78 feature points from dif- ferent landscape perspectives in 4 representative mausoleums which were given corresponding weights to figure out the perception degrees of the points. And based on the mining of the meaning of the landscapes in the sightseeing route, the viewpoints were designed. It offered a research approach to the quantitative description of landscape perception and method reference to the planning of tourist destination, the design and improvement of landscapes and sightseeing routes. By adopting the thoughts of cartographic generali- zation and the abstract method of feature point for landscape meaning, this paper established a virtual sight of tourist destination based on DEM and high quality data source to study the cultural landscape meaning perception. The result of this paper provides a foundation of quantitative evaluation of selection of the best sightseeing point of single and multiple cultural landscapes, and it means greatly as a reference in the study of inside cultural landscape of humanistic tourist destination of geo-science. It gives the tour- ist guides the best places for their explanations and a feasible method for transferring the cultural connotation of humanistic tourist destination to the tourists complementally and abundantly.
Keywords:cultural landscape  semantic perception  DEM  tourist destination  Western Qing Tombs
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