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Study of fluoride in polluted and unpolluted estuarine environments
Authors:M. D. Zingde  A. V. Mandalia
Mindhola River estuary, which receives industrial waste containing high concentrations of fluoride, and Purna River estuary, which is free from fluoride contamination, have been investigated. While fluoride behaved conservatively in Purna River estuary, significant deviation from the theoretical dilution line (TDL) in the chlorinity range 0·5–8‰ was observed in Mindhola River estuary due to the externally added fluoride which largely remained in solution. The excess of fluroide over the theoretically calculated value was at a maximum around a chlorinity of 3‰. High natural fluoride content of the river waters resulted in F/Cl ratios exceeding 300 × 10−5 at low chlorinities. The ratio decreased rapidly with increasing chlorinity and the value near to that of seawater was observed at chlorinities above 14‰.
Keywords:estuaries   pollution   fluorine compounds   India Coast   Arabian Sea
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