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Isolation and identification of alginate-degrading bacteria and formation of alginase
Authors:Han Baeqin  Dai Jixun  Wang Hai
Affiliation:Marine Life Sciences college, Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao 266003, China
Five strains of alginate-degrading bacteria Were isolated from the decaying parts of Laminria japonicaand Undaria pinnatifida and identified as Alteromonas espejiana (Strain A101, A102, A103, A105 ) and Alteromonas macleodii(Strain A104). When incubated at 25 t for 144 h in the liquid mediuxn which contamed 0. 5%peptone, 0. 3% -0. 6%sodium alginate, 0. 1 % yeast extract, 3% NaCI, pH 7. 5, the stain A102 pnduced the highest amount of alginase.
Keywords:Alteromonas   alginase    isolation   identification
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