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Seismische Anisotropie des oberen Erdmantels und Intraplatten-Tektonik
Authors:Prof. Dr. Karl Fuchs
Affiliation:1. Geophysikalisches Institut, Universit?t Karlsruhe, Hertzstr. 16, 75 Karlsruhe 21
Abstract:Specially planned explosion seismic measurements in the oceans provided conclusive evidence that the velocity of Pn-waves depends on the azimuths of the direction of propagation through the upper mantle. The orientation of this azimuthal anisotropy suggests a close connection with the generation of the oceanic lithosphere: in the Pacific the maximum and minimum velocities are measured in a perpendicular and parallel direction to the axis of the oceanic ridges respectively. The observed anisotropy is so strong that a number of models for the generation of anisotropy can be discarded. The most likely cause is a preferred orientation of minerals. The generation of the anisotropy can be simulated in the laboratory under P-T-conditions of the upper mantle. The influence of the rate of deformation can be studied as well. A recent analysis of explosion seismic data in Southern Germany suggests that the continental upper mantle possesses also a velocity anisotropy dependent on azimuth.
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