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引用本文:王建平,任立良,吴益. 一种新的DEM填洼处理算法[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2005, 7(3): 51-54
作者姓名:王建平  任立良  吴益
摘    要:原利用DEM对洼地填充的算法处理,往往存在时效率低、计算耗时长等问题,本文拟介绍一种新的算法: 首先用一极大高程水面数据将原始地面DEM数据表面淹没,然后移除DEM上多余的水,最后得到的高程就是填洼处理的高程数据。通过时间复杂度和不同分辨率DEM数据洼地处理执行效率的度量和比较,结果发现这种新算法易于理解和实现,而且比原来的方法更快、更通用。

关 键 词:数字高程模型  洼地  填洼  时间复杂度

A New Algorithm to Process Depressions in Digital Elevation Model
WANG Jianping,REN Liliang,WU Yi. A New Algorithm to Process Depressions in Digital Elevation Model[J]. Geo-information Science, 2005, 7(3): 51-54
Authors:WANG Jianping  REN Liliang  WU Yi
Affiliation:College of Water Resources and Environment, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China
Abstract:In general there are depressional cells in digital elevation model data. The usual algorithm to fill depressional grids in DEM would take a long time if a number of depressions exist. A new method to process depressions in DEM data is introduced. It is assumed that the original DEM data are inundated by the surface with a thick layer of water. Then water over original DEM data is removed by the iterative algorithm. The final DEM data after such a processing procedure are the elevation data without depressions. The new algorithm is easily understood and implemented. Moreover, it is much faster than the usual algorithm.
Keywords:digital elevation model   depression   filling depressions   time complexity
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