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Possible formation scenarios for the giant H i envelope around the NGC 4490/4485 system
Authors:M. S. Clemens,P. Alexander,&   D. A. Green
Affiliation:Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory, Cavendish Laboratory, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HE
Abstract:We present observations of H i in the nearby interacting galaxies NGC 4490 and 4485 made with the VLA in both C and D arrays. The galaxies are embedded in an extensive envelope of neutral hydrogen which is elongated in a direction approximately perpendicular to the plane of NGC 4490, with an extent of about 56 kpc. We argue that this distribution of neutral hydrogen can best be explained by a galactic-scale bipolar outflow of H  i driven by supernovae in NGC 4490. The flow from the disc appears to be reasonably well collimated and has probably persisted for approximately 6 × 108 yr. The implications for galaxy evolution when such mass loss occurs are briefly discussed.
Keywords:galaxies: evolution    galaxies: individual: NGC 4485    galaxies: individual: NGC 4490    galaxies: interactions    radio lines: galaxies
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