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The Composition of Garnets from Pelitic Schists in relation to the Grade of Regional Metamorphism
Authors:STURT   BRIAN A.
Affiliation:Department of Geology, Bedford College Regent's Park, London, N.W.I
Abstract:Analyses of garnets are presented from a wide variety of metamorphicterrains, in relation to which there appears to be a regularpattern of substitution of (FeO+MgO) for (CaO+MnO), the valuesof these components reflecting the metamorphic grade of thepelitic schists. This provides a method for indicating variationsin grade in metamorphic terrains and for comparing the variationsin different areas. In areas of repeated metamorphism this wouldappear to have a particular value in establishing the gradeof the various episodes of metamorphism. It is also demonstratedthat by the determination of selected physical propertics (unitcell edge a and refractive index) of garnets in the peliticschists, and evaluating the significance of their variations,it is possible to work out the local changes of metamorphicgrade within a particular area.
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