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Bootstrapped models for intrinsic random functions
Authors:Katherine Campbell
Affiliation:(1) Statistics Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 87544 Los Alamos, New Mexico
Abstract:Use of intrinsic random function stochastic models as a basis for estimation in geostatistical work requires the identification of the generalized covariance function of the underlying process. The fact that this function has to be estimated from data introduces an additional source of error into predictions based on the model. This paper develops the sample reuse procedure called the ldquobootstraprdquo in the context of intrinsic random functions to obtain realistic estimates of these errors. Simulation results support the conclusion that bootstrap distributions of functionals of the process, as well as their ldquokriging variance,rdquo provide a reasonable picture of variability introduced by imperfect estimation of the generalized covariance function.This paper was presented at Emerging Concepts, MGUS-87 Conference, Redwood City, California, 13–15 April 1987.
Keywords:Regionalized variables  kriging  interpolation  sample reuse  nonparametric error estimates  confidence intervals
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