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引用本文:戴金星. 油气地质学的若干问题[J]. 地球科学进展, 2001, 16(5): 710-718. DOI: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2001.05.0710
摘    要::2 0世纪世界开采了 115 0亿t石油 ,64万亿m3 天然气 ,如此大量的油气开发是与油气地质的新理论出现并应用于勘探密切相关。 19世纪 70年代出现海相生油论 ,2 0世纪一直在发展和完善 ,其在油气勘探开发中起了重大作用。 2 0世纪 2 0年代开始形成的陆相生油理论 ,对中国石油工业的发展起了重大作用 ,1999年产油 1.60亿t,使中国从“贫油国”而成为世界第五产油大国。2 0世纪 4 0年代煤成气理论形成 ,使勘探天然气理论从仅与腐泥型源岩有关的“一元论” ,发展于既与腐殖型煤系源岩也与腐泥型源岩相关的“二元论” ,促进了天然气工业大发展。世界产气第一大国俄罗斯探明天然气储量 75 %是煤成气 ,中国近期天然气储量大幅度增长是以煤成气为支撑的 ,2 0 0 0年全国气层气储层的 64%是煤成气。天然气水合物是非常规气 ,较一致估计资源量在 2 .0×10 16 2 .1× 10 16 m3 ,相当于当前已探明的化石燃料总含碳量的 2倍 ,被认为可能是 2 1世纪的替代能源 ,潜力大。但由于地质的、成藏的、富集的、开发的和环境的诸多问题未深入研究或有待解决 ,目前未开发利用。

关 键 词:油气地质学  陆相生油  煤成气(烃)  天然气水合物

DAI Jin xing. SOME PROBLEMS IN THE STUDY OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGY[J]. Advances in Earth Sciences, 2001, 16(5): 710-718. DOI: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2001.05.0710
Authors:DAI Jin xing
Affiliation:Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Beijing 100083,China
Abstract:The 20th century showed the substitution of the high pollution and solid energy fuels by the low pollution and fluid ones. At the end of the 20th century gaseous fuel begin to be dominant. In the whole 20th century, 115 trillion tons of oil and 64 billion cubic meter of natural gas were recovered. The recover of such a large amount of petroleum owes much to the foundation of new theories of petroleum geology and their application on petroleum exploration. The theory of petroleum generation from marine strata was established in the 1870s, developed and improved in the whole 20th century and played an important role in petroleum exploration and development. Chinese scholars established the theory of petroleum generation from terrestrial strata in the 1920s, which brought about great progress of petroleum industry in China. Despite once regarded as an oil-poor country, China produced 160 million tons of oil in 1999, the production ranks the fifth in the world. The theory of hydrocarbon generation from coal formed in 1940s, indicating the distributive area of humic source rock as a probable target as well as that of sapropelic source rock. This theory brought about the rapid progress of natural gas industry. About 75% of the natural gas proved in Russia, whose natural gas production is the largest in the world, is coal-formed gas. Coal-formed gas also played an important role in the rapid increase of natural gas reserve in the recent years. By the end of 2000, about 64% of total gas reservoir gas is coal formed gas. There are 4 gas fields which reserve exceeds 100 trillion cubic meter respectively, their source rock are all of humic type. The development of the theory of natural gas generation from coal promoted the formation of the theory of oil from coal, however, the general rule of hydrocarbon generation of coal measure is that gas instead of oil is the dominant.Gas hydrate is a kind of abnormal natural gas. Its resources is about 2.0×1016 -2.1×1016 cubic meter by common estimatation, its carbon amount is twice about that of the total proved fossil fuel. Gas hydrate is regarded as a potential energy in the 21th century. Nevertheless, the lots of problems in its accumulating conditions, developmental methods and environmental effects retard its recover.
Keywords:Oil and gas geology  Theory of petroleum generation from terrestrial strata  Coal formed gas  Gas hydrate.
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