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引用本文:白宪洲,何明友,杨学俊,王玉婷,熊昌利,黄柏鑫,罗改,赵晓东. 青海泽库赛日迪印支期中基性岩体地球化学特征及构造背景[J]. 新疆地质, 2012, 30(1): 85-89
作者姓名:白宪洲  何明友  杨学俊  王玉婷  熊昌利  黄柏鑫  罗改  赵晓东
作者单位:1. 成都理工大学核技术与自动化工程学院,四川 成都610059;四川省地质调查院,四川 成都610081
2. 成都理工大学核技术与自动化工程学院,四川 成都,610059
3. 四川省地质调查院,四川 成都,610081
4. 成都地质矿产研究所,四川 成都,610081
摘    要:

关 键 词:青海  印支期中基性岩  地球化学  构造背景

Geochemical Charateristics of Indosinian Basaltic-Intermediate Magatism From Sairidi area,Zeku County,Qinghai Province and their Tectonic Setting
Bai Xian-zhou , He Ming-you , Yang Xue-jun , Wang Yu-ting , Xiong Chang-li , Huang Bai-xin , Luo Gai , Zhao Xiao-dong. Geochemical Charateristics of Indosinian Basaltic-Intermediate Magatism From Sairidi area,Zeku County,Qinghai Province and their Tectonic Setting[J]. Xinjiang Geology, 2012, 30(1): 85-89
Authors:Bai Xian-zhou    He Ming-you    Yang Xue-jun    Wang Yu-ting    Xiong Chang-li    Huang Bai-xin    Luo Gai    Zhao Xiao-dong
Affiliation:1.Chengdu University of Technology,Chengdu,Sichuan,610059,China;2.Sichuan Institute of Geological Survey,Chengdu Sichuan,610081,China;3.Chengdu Institue of Geology and mineral Resources,Chengdu,Sichuan,610081,China)
The Sairidi Indosinian basaltic-intermediate magmatism lies in Zeku county,Qinghai province.This paper discuss on the geochemical characteristics,tectonic setting and the magma evolution.It shows that the Sairidi intrusion belongs to low Si,high Mg and Fe,low Al,low K and Na,metaluminous and calcium-alkaline.It enrich in big ion lithophile element such as Rb,K,Pb and high field elements such as Th,U,Ta,Nb,Hf and poor in big ion lithophile element such as Ba,Sr and high field elements such as P,Zr,Ti.The capacity of rare earth is relatively lower.Light REEs are rich and the fraction of LREE is higher than HREE.The magmatism has negative Eu anomalies which show that all the sample comes from the same source.There is no correlation between LREE and SiO2.The value of Nb/U and Nb/La are far lower than MORB and OIB’s.The value of Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf and Sm/Yb、La/Nb、La/Ta is close to the primitive mantle.The maga is undergoing partial melting phase and that there is no crustal assimilation during the ascend.We sugested that the Sairidi intrusion is relate to the plate collusion and is within plate tholeiite(WPT)and calc-alkaline basalts through the tectonic discrimination diagrams.
Keywords:Qinghai  Indosinian basaltic-intermediate  Geochemical  Tectonic setting
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