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UV-Derivativ-Spektren zur Vorabschätzung des Gehaltes von polycyclischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen in Schwebstoffen und Sedimenten der Gewässer Derivative UV Spectra for Estimating the Contents of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Suspended Solids and Sediments of Waters
Authors:H. Hellmann
Abstract:By means of UV spectra of cyclohexane extracts from aquatic sediments it is possible to distinguish: “normal” mineral oil aromatics (e. g. of the middle distillation fraction), used oils, and highboiling raffinates, tar oils, and — as representative of aromatics listed in the German drinking water ordinance — fluoranthene. Starting with less selective extractants and the basic UV spectra, it is shown that spectra of higher orders frequently allow a quantitative determination of fluoranthene. If it is justified to assume a constant conversion factor, the result of the measurement can be used to calculate the contents of the whole group of aromatics listed in the German drinking water ordinance. A comparison with other methods (HPLC etc.) and with results from other laboratories showed good agreement. Finally, the diagnostic capacity (fingerprint) of derived spectra is pointed out.
Keywords:Polycyclische Aromaten  Fluoranthen  UV-Derivativspektren  Vorabschä  tzung  Schwebstoffe  Sedimente  PAK
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