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欧亚积雪异常分布对冬季大气环流的影响 II.数值模拟
引用本文:陈海山,孙照渤,朱伟军. 欧亚积雪异常分布对冬季大气环流的影响 II.数值模拟[J]. 大气科学, 2003, 0(5)
作者姓名:陈海山  孙照渤  朱伟军
作者单位:南京气象学院大气科学系 南京210044(陈海山,孙照渤),南京气象学院大气科学系 南京210044(朱伟军)
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展规划项目G1 9980 40 90 1 3,江苏省气象灾害和环境变化重点开放实验室课题KJS0 2 1 0 7共同资助
摘    要:基于观测分析的结果 ,采用NCARCCM2模式 ,设计了三组数值试验方案 ,研究了积雪的异常分布对冬季大气环流的影响及其可能的物理过程。结果表明 ,数值模拟与观测分析所得结果一致 ,冬季积雪的异常分布 ,通过积雪的辐射冷却效应 ,可以改变地表的热状况以及地表对大气加热的异常 ,引起大气温度、位势高度场的调整 ,激发冬季大气EUP遥相关型 ,导致东亚冬季风环流的异常

关 键 词:冬季大气环流  积雪异常分布  数值模拟

The Effects of Eurasian Snow Cover Anomaly on Winter Atmospheric General Circulation Part II. Model Simulation
Chen Haishan,Sun Zhaobo,and Zhu Weijun. The Effects of Eurasian Snow Cover Anomaly on Winter Atmospheric General Circulation Part II. Model Simulation[J]. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 2003, 0(5)
Authors:Chen Haishan  Sun Zhaobo  and Zhu Weijun
Abstract:Based on the observational studies, three numerical experiments are designed to study the impacts of anomalous snow pattern on winter atmospheric general circulation and the relevant physics by using NCAR CCM2 coupled with BATS land surface scheme Both the simulation and the observation show: due to its radiative cooling effect, the anomalous pattern of snow cover can change the surface thermal condition and the surface heating, which can modify the atmospheric temperature and the atmospheric general circulation in such a way to trigger the atmospheric Eurasia Pacific teleconnection pattern and result in the abnormal circulation of East Asian winter monsoon
Keywords:winter atmospheric general circulation  snow cover anomaly pattern  numerical simulation
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