莱州湾南岸滨海湿地生物多样性及生态地质环境变化 |
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引用本文: | 高美霞,;王德水,;王松涛,;张祖陆. 莱州湾南岸滨海湿地生物多样性及生态地质环境变化[J]. 山东地质, 2009, 0(6): 16-20 |
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作者姓名: | 高美霞, 王德水, 王松涛, 张祖陆 |
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作者单位: | [1]山东省第四地质矿产勘查院,山东潍坊261021; [2]山东师范大学,山东济南250014 |
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摘 要: | 莱州湾南岸滨海湿地作为环渤海滨海湿地的一部分,具有海洋与河口交互性、海陆过渡性和生态脆弱性等特点,湿地面积广阔、资源丰富,是东北亚环西太平洋鸟类迁徙的重要“中转站”及越冬、栖息和繁殖地。湿地总面积为1150.079km^2,湿地维管束植物区系包括维管束植物53科144属217种。近年来,在对滨海湿地的开发中,虾池、盐田等人工湿地面积不断扩大,造成自然湿地面积减小、植被退化、地貌和水文条件改变、生物多样性下降,改变了原始的滨海湿地自然景观,破坏了珍稀鸟类的生存环境。
关 键 词: | 地质环境变化 生态 生物多样性 滨海湿地 莱州湾南岸 |
Biological Diversity and Eco- geological Environment Changes of the Southern Coastal Wetland in Laizhou Bay |
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Affiliation: | GAO Mei - xia, WANG De - shui, WANG Song - tao, ZHANG Zu - lu( 1. No. 4 Exploration Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Shandong Weifang 261021, China; 2. Shandong Normal University, Shandong Jinan 250014, China) |
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Abstract: | As one part of coastal wetlands sourrounding the Bohai sea, southern coastal wetland of Laizhou bay has many characteristics, such as interactivity between oceans and estuaries, sea -land transition and ecological fragility. Wetland resource is rich with large square, which is an important "transit point " for bird migration and a place for wintering, breeding and reproduction in northeast Asia arrounding Western Pacific. The total square of wetlands is 1150. 079kin2, wetland vascular flora system includes 53 families, 217 categories and 144 kinds vascular plants. In recent years, during the peroid of developing the coastal wetlands, the square of artificial wetlands, such as shrimp ponds and salt fields are expanding gradually. It will cause the reduction of natural wetland area, vegetation degradation, change of landscape and hydrological conditions and biodiversity, change the original nature of the coastal wetland landscape, and destroy the environment for the survival of rare birds. |
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Keywords: | Change of geological environmnet ecology biological diversity coastal wetland the southern coast ofLaizhou bay |
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