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An Acetic Acid‐Based Extraction Protocol for the Recovery of U,Th and Pb from Calcium Carbonates for U‐(Th)‐Pb Geochronology
Authors:Andrew J. Mason  Gideon M. Henderson  Anton Vaks
Affiliation:Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, , Oxford, OX1 3AN UK
A new method for the simultaneous recovery of U, Th and Pb from ca. 0.5 g calcium carbonate samples for the purpose of U‐(Th)‐Pb geochronometry is presented. The protocol employs ion‐exchange chromatography. Standard anion exchange resin (AG 1‐X8 100–200 mesh) was used as the static phase, and 90% acetic acid was used as the mobile phase to elute the unwanted matrix components; dilute nitric acid was used to elute the U, Th and Pb. Blanks of 1.8 pg Th, 6.4 pg Pb and 8.4 pg U were obtained. The protocol was evaluated by determining the isotopic composition of U‐Th‐Pb separates obtained from an in‐house reference material (prepared from a natural speleothem) by MC‐ICP‐MS. An independently dated speleothem was also reanalysed. Based on these tests, the extraction protocol had an acceptable blank and produced a Pb separate sufficiently free of matrix‐induced instrumental biases to be appropriate for U‐Th‐Pb chronology.
Keywords:U‐Pb  speleothem  ion‐exchange chromatography  geochronology  ICP‐MS  U‐Pb  spé    othè  me  chromatographie é  changeuse d'ions    ochronologie  ICP‐MS
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