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引用本文:韩其飞,罗格平,白洁,李均力,李超凡,范彬彬,王渊刚. 基于多期数据集的中亚五国土地利用/覆盖变化分析[J]. 干旱区地理, 2012, 35(6): 909-918. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/045201.
作者姓名:韩其飞  罗格平  白洁  李均力  李超凡  范彬彬  王渊刚
作者单位:1.中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,荒漠与绿洲生态国家重点实验室, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011;2 中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100049
摘    要:针对目前中亚地区土地利用变化和分布格局方面的信息相对匮乏,现有资料较为陈旧且零散,无法满足中亚生态与环境变化研究需求的现状,利用全球的UMD, DISCover,GLC2000,GlobCover2005和GlobCover2009的5期土地覆被遥感数据集,提取中亚地区长时间序列土地覆被信息。并针对上述4个土地覆被分类系统无法进行直接对比和变化分析的问题,分别将其综合为4类土地覆被类型:耕地、自然植被、水体和其他,以分析近30 a中亚土地利用/土地覆被变化趋势。中亚土地利用类型多样,草地、裸地、农田、灌丛占绝对优势。自前苏联解体以后,20世纪90年代初至2000年期间,耕地面积大幅度减少,至2010年尽管有所恢复,但仍无法达到20世纪90年代初水平。而自然植被表现出了相反的趋势,这说明在此时间段内,由于社会政治制度的变化和市场经济的建立,耕地发生了较大规模的弃耕,弃耕地通常转换为草地、灌丛等自然植被。近10 a由于社会经济条件的变化,前苏联解体后所弃耕的土地又被收复和重新开发为耕地。90年代初至2000年期间,水体呈现先减少后增加的趋势。利用全球基于多期不同信息源获得的中亚土地覆被数据,尽管分类体系不统一,但均可较好地表征当时地表覆被状况。这在一定程度上弥补了中亚地区土地覆被数据不足的现状。通过对耕地、自然植被、水体及其他土地覆被类型进行大类合并,可基本体现中亚土地覆被的宏观特征和变化趋势。

关 键 词:中亚  土地利用/土地覆被变化  全球土地覆被数据集  遥感  

Characteristics of land use and cover change in Central Asia in recent 30 years
HAN Qi-fei,LUO Ge-ping,BAI Jie,LI Jun-li,LI Chao-fan,FAN Bin-bin,WANG Yan-gang. Characteristics of land use and cover change in Central Asia in recent 30 years[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2012, 35(6): 909-918. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/045201.
Authors:HAN Qi-fei  LUO Ge-ping  BAI Jie  LI Jun-li  LI Chao-fan  FAN Bin-bin  WANG Yan-gang
Affiliation:1.Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, Xinjiang, China;2.Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China
Abstract:Information on the patterns of land use and land cover change in Central Asia is scarce, and most of the resources used are outdated and unsystematic, which make it difficult to meet the needs of ecology and environmental change research in Central Asia. In this context, compiling the Global Land Cover Characteristics datasets in Central Asia is of great significance in theoretical and practical aspect. In addition, different organizations/institutions develop multiple sets of land use/land cover datasets with various classification systems on global scale depending on their purpose. Those datasets are almost unable to conduct rigorous verification and direct comparison. However, by merging classes based on the classification connotations, these datasets can be used to achieve the purpose of analyzing the macroscopic characteristics of land use and land cover change. In this paper, firstly, the UMD, GLC2000, DISCover, and GlobCover datasets with different land cover classification system are used to extract the long term land cover information in Central Asia. Secondly, all the land cover types are categorized into four classes: arable land, natural vegetation, water bodies and others, to analyze the characteristics and trends in land use and land cover change over the past 30 years in Central Asia.
The results show that there are various types of land cover types in Central Asia which was dominated by grass, bare land, arable land and shrub. Because of the Soviet Union collapse in 1991, arable land decreased sharply from early 1990s to 2000. In comparison with arable land, natural vegetation showed the opposite trend, which indicated a mutual transformation between arable land and natural vegetation area. The area of water bodies fluctuated resulting from the changes in lake area which was influenced by climate fluctuations and human agricultural activities. Urban area experienced an increasing trend, especially during 2000-2009, due to the rapid economic development and the increase of population.
Although the classification system of different Global land cover datasets in Central Asia is not uniform, the pattern of land use and land cover change can well characterized. This shed a light to the LUCC research in Central Asia to some extent. The macroscopic characteristics and trends of land cover in Central Asia can be depicted from the datasets after merging relevant class.Drawn on results of the paper, the land use and land cover pattern has been changed due to the climate changes and human activities in Central Asia. This will bring out a series of environmental issues including soil salinization, serious shortage of water resources, land desertification and other ecological problems, which should be the future direction of land use change research in this area.
Keywords:Central Asia  land use/land cover change  remote sensing  Global Land Cover datasets
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