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Multifrequency algorithms for precise point positioning: MAP3
Authors:B. Moreno Monge  G. Rodríguez-Caderot  M. C. de Lacy
Affiliation:1. Department Section of Astronomy and Geodesy, Faculty of Mathematics, University Complutense of Madrid, Pza. Ciencias, 3, 28040, Madrid, Spain
2. Department of Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry, University of Jaén, Paraje Las Lagunillas s/n, 23008, Jaén, Spain
We present the new MAP3 algorithms to perform static precise point positioning (PPP) from multifrequency and multisystem GNSS observations. MAP3 represents a two-step strategy in which the least squares theory is applied twice to estimate smoothed pseudo-distances, initial phase ambiguities, and slant ionospheric delay first, and the absolute receiver position and its clock offset in a second adjustment. Unlike the classic PPP technique, in our new approach, the ionospheric-free linear combination is not used. The combination of signals from different satellite systems is accomplished by taking into account the receiver inter-system bias. MAP3 has been implemented in MATLAB and integrated within a complete PPP software developed on site and named PCube. We test the MAP3 performance numerically and contrast it with other external PPP programs. In general, MAP3 positioning accuracy with low-noise GPS dual-frequency observations is about 2.5 cm in 2-h observation periods, 1 cm in 10 h, and 7 mm after 1 day. This means an improvement in the accuracy in short observation periods of at least 7 mm with respect to the other PPP programs. The MAP3 convergence time is also analyzed and some results obtained from real triple-frequency GPS and GIOVE observations are presented.
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