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引用本文:江劲军,叶雯燕. 影响福建数字遥测地震台网震级测定的部分因素[J]. 地震地磁观测与研究, 2003, 24(1): 22-28
作者姓名:江劲军  叶雯燕
摘    要:通过对福建数字遥测台网1999年所监测到的“9.21”台湾南投大震群和“9.23”福州小震群中的一系列较大地震进行分析,利用地震的时间和空间相对集中这一特点,有效地避开震源、路径及随时间变化的地质背景等因素对测定震级的干扰,发现了对测定台网平均震级影响的主要因素,不仅仅来自于台站地质背景的影响、台网使用的起算函数的影响,而且还发现在一定距离内地震周期也会对台网平均震级测定产生明显的影响。通过计算地动位移随震中距衰减的系数和起算函数随震中距增幅的系数,求出起算函数引起震级偏差的大小,提出了改进和消除这些影响的方法。

关 键 词:福建 数字遥测地震台网 震群 震级 频率

The factors affecting determination of magnitude of earthquakes for digital seismic network of Fujian province
Jiang Jinjun and Ye Wenyan. The factors affecting determination of magnitude of earthquakes for digital seismic network of Fujian province[J]. Seismological and Geomagnetic Observation and Research, 2003, 24(1): 22-28
Authors:Jiang Jinjun and Ye Wenyan
Abstract:Based on the analysis of ?.21 destructive earthquake swarm of 1999, Nantou, Taiwan and ?.23?small earthquake swarm of 1999, Fuzhou, Fujian, We effectively eliminated the disturbance caused by focus, ray and geologic structure changed with time. We think that principal factors affecting mean Magnitude of stations are: geological setting of seismic station, starting calculation function, and the earthquake period in some distance. With the calculation of the coefficients of ground displacement function decreased with distance and starting function increased with distance, the method of eliminating these affection were given.
Keywords:regional digital seismic network  earthquake swarm  earthquake magnitude  determination
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