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Fabric studies within the Cascade Lake shear zone, Sierra Nevada, California
Authors:Basil Tikoff   Matthew R. Davis   Christian Teyssier   Michel de St. Blanquat   Guillaume Habert  Sven Morgan  

aDepartment of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA

bDepartment of Geology and Geophysics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA

cCNRS—UMR5563 / LMTG, University Paul-Sabatier, 38 rue des 36-Ponts, 31400 Toulouse, France

dDepartment of Geology, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859, USA

Abstract:The Cascade Lake shear zone occurs on the eastern margin of the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite, Sierra Nevada Batholith, California. Foliation in the zone is NNW trending and subvertical, and lineation is moderately south plunging. Deformation is syn-tectonic with emplacement of the Cathedral Peak granodiorite. A deformation gradient exists toward the NE margin of this pluton, with higher strains and lower temperatures of deformation found near the contact. We compare fabric data collected very densely in this shear zone using several techniques: field fabrics, 3D orientation of K-feldspar megacrysts, and AMS (anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility) analysis. In general, the results from the three different methods are in agreement. Deformation in this shear zone is part of a larger pattern of deformation within the Cathedral Peak granodiorite, as recorded by AMS analysis, and dextral shearing associated within the last stage of plutonism within the Sierra Nevada magmatic arc.
Keywords:Shear zone   Sierra Nevada   Fabric analysis
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