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引用本文:刘建勇,卓健辉. 温度和盐度对方斑东风螺胚胎发育的影响[J]. 广东海洋大学学报, 2005, 25(1): 1-4
作者姓名:刘建勇  卓健辉
摘    要:研究了温度和盐度对方斑东风螺胚胎发育的影响。结果表明:方斑东风螺胚胎发育的最低和最高临温分别为20℃和32℃,最适温度范围为24~28℃,在此温度范围内,方斑东风螺胚胎发育所需时间[T(h) ]温[X(℃) ]呈负相关关系,它们之间的回归关系符合指数函数方程:T=438 .30e-0. 043 3X(R2 =0. 982 3,P<0 胚胎发育的最低和最高临界盐度分别为14和32,最适盐度范围为20 ~28,在适宜盐度范围内,不同盐度对方风螺的胚胎发育速度无显著影响。

关 键 词:方斑东风螺  胚胎发育  影响因素  温度  盐度

Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Embryos Development of Babylonia areolata
LIU Jian-yong,ZHUO Jian-hui. Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Embryos Development of Babylonia areolata[J]. Journal of Zhanjiang Ocean University, 2005, 25(1): 1-4
Authors:LIU Jian-yong  ZHUO Jian-hui
Abstract:Responses of Babylonia areolata embryos to various ambient water temperature and salinity were measured in terms of hatchability and survival rate. The upper and lower limiting ambient temperature were estimated at 20 ℃and 32 ℃ respectively. The optimum ambient temperature for Babylonia areolata embryos was between 26~28 ℃. Time for embryonic development was inversely related to ambient temperature, and the relationship between T and X can be represented by the allometric equation T=438.30 e -0.0433 X (R 2=0.982 3,PS0.01). The upper and lower limiting ambient salinity were estimated at 14 and 32 respectively. The optimum ambient salinity for Babylonia areolata embryos was 20~28. The effects of the appropriate range of salinity on the speed for embryonic development were not obvious.
Keywords:Babylonia areolata  embryonic development  effect factors  temperature  salinity
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